Benutzer:Daniel Bohrer/Semantic M4rkup

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         ____                             _   _        __  __            _                      
        / ___|  ___ _ __ ___   __ _ _ __ | |_(_) ___  |  \/  | __ _ _ __| | ___   _ _ __        
        \___ \ / _ \ '_ ` _ \ / _` | '_ \| __| |/ __| | |\/| |/ _` | '__| |/ / | | | '_ \       
         ___) |  __/ | | | | | (_| | | | | |_| | (__  | |  | | (_| | |  |   <| |_| | |_) |      
        |____/ \___|_| |_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|\__|_|\___| |_|  |_|\__,_|_|  |_|\_\\__,_| .__/       
                                  with the M4 macro processor                                


  • Kernighan & Ritchie, 1977
  • part of almost every Unix/Linux distribution
  • Heavily used in GNU autotools
  • Simple mechanism:
    • define macros
    • when macro token is found in input, replace token with definition
    • write input to output

Example 1: Hello World(?)

$ cat 01-helloworld.m4
define(HELLO, Ohai)dnl
HELLO world.
$ m4 01-helloworld.m4
Ohai world.


  • dnl: Discard to Next Line
    • "comments"
    • prevents unwanted whitespace in output

Example 2

$ cat 02-more-hello.m4
define(Nice, Happy)dnl
define(HELLO, Nice to meet you)dnl
HELLO World.
$ m4 02-more-hello.m4
Happy to meet you World.

What happened?

Example 2: step by step

Input Macro definitions
> define(Nice, Happy)dnl              
  define(HELLO, Nice to meet you)dnl
  HELLO World.
Input Macro definitions
  define(HELLO, Nice to meet you)dnl
  HELLO World.
  1. Nice → Happy
Input Macro definitions
> define(HELLO, Nice to meet you)dnl
  HELLO World.
  1. Nice → Happy
Input Macro definitions
> define(HELLO, Happy to meet you)dnl
  HELLO World.
  1. Nice → Happy
Input Macro definitions
  HELLO World.
  1. Nice → Happy
  2. HELLO → Happy to meet you
Input Macro definitions

> HELLO World.
  1. Nice → Happy
  2. HELLO → Happy to meet you
Input Macro definitions

> Happy to meet you World.
  1. Nice → Happy
  2. HELLO → Happy to meet you

Expansion Rules (1)

  1. Macro expansion is recursive
    • macros inside of macros are evaluated first (unless quoted)
    • define is a macro itself

But maybe we don't want that.


Quoting prevents unwanted macro replacement

$ cat 03-quoting.m4
define(`Nice', `Happy')dnl
define(`HELLO', ``Nice' to meet you')dnl
HELLO World.

$ m4 02-quoting.m4
Nice to meet you World.

Parametric Macros

$ cat 04-params.m4
define(`HEADING', `<h1 id="$1">$2</h1>')dnl
define(`PARA',    `<p id="$1">$2</p>')dnl
define(`ITALIC',  `<i>$1</i>')dnl
HEADING(title, `This is the title')
PARA(first_para, This is rendered as text. Parameters can even span
multiple lines. If you include commas`,' be sure to include quotes.)
PARA(second_para, This is normal text. ITALIC(This is italic.))
$ m4 04-params.m4 
<h1 id="title">This is the title</h1>
<p id="first_para">This is rendered as text. Parameters can even span
multiple lines. If you include commas, be sure to include quotes.</p>
<p id="second_para">This is normal text. <i>This is italic.</i></p>

Expansion Rules (2)

  1. Quoted text is simply stripped of the quotes
  2. Macro expansion is recursive
    • macros inside of macros are evaluated first (unless quoted)
      • inner macros can generate more parameters for outer macros
  3. Leading whitespace of parameters is removed
  4. The expansion of a macro is always re-evaluated
    • read: "strip one layer of quoting, or expand again"

Rule of thumb:

  • One quoting level per parentheses.

You probably noticed

M4 macros are a great way to build semantic markup.

  • Semantics:
    • Wikipedia: “the linguistic, and also philosophical study of meaning”
    • more than only formatting
    • ideally machine-readable

For example

  • Write your meeting minutes in Markdown, using a “public macro interface” for e.g.:
    • votes
    • resolutions
    • TODOs
  • Write an M4 library for each output
    • define the “public macro interface” accordingly
  • Use the markup with multiple M4 “libraries” to convert your minutes to:
    • human-readable formats like Markdown
      • with consistent formatting
      • via pandoc: HTML, ReST, LaTeX, PDF, …
    • machine-readable formats like JSON, CSV, XML, …



MEETING_MINUTES(Board meeting, 2016-09-01, 20:00,
    [Adam Ant, Henrietta Horse, Beatrice Bull], [Ephraim Elephant], [Adam Ant])

We talked about things for a while.

* RESOLUTION(Resolution 2016-00, VOTE_ADOPTED(3,0,0), World Domination)
* TODO(T2016-03, Adam Ant, Build Doomsday Machine)
* Recent TODOs:
    * TODO(T2016-02, , Try out LAZZZORs from Evil Corp., [
        * They make nice, cheap LAZZZORS
        * LAZZZORS are needed for Doomsday Machine])
    * DONE(T2016-01, Beatrice Bull, Buy some space rockets)


Board meeting 2016-09-01

* Starting time: 20:00
* Attending: Adam Ant, Henrietta Horse, Beatrice Bull
* Absent: Ephraim Elephant
* Minute taker: Adam Ant

We talked about things for a while.

* __Resolution 2016-00 ✔ (3|0|0):__ World Domination
* __TODO Adam Ant:__ Build Doomsday Machine
* Recent TODOs:
    * __TODO:__ Try out LAZZZORs from Evil Corp.. 
        * They make nice, cheap LAZZZORS
        * LAZZZORS are needed for Doomsday Machine
    * ~~__DONE Beatrice Bull:__ Buy some space rockets~~
* Ending at 21:00


  "metadata": { "type": "Board meeting","date": "2016-09-01", "start_time": "20:00",
    "attendants": "Adam Ant, Henrietta Horse, Beatrice Bull",
    "absentees": "Ephraim Elephant", "keeper_of_minutes": "Adam Ant"
  "content": [ 
    { "type": "resolution", "public": true, "ref": "Resolution 2016-00",
      "vote": { "approved": true, "pro": 3, "contra": 0, "abstain": 0 },
      "text": "World Domination", "allocated_money": "", "notes": ""
    { "type": "todo", "public": true, "done": false, "ref": "T2016-03",
      "assigned": "Adam Ant", "text": "Build Doomsday Machine",
      "notes": "" },
    { "type": "todo", "public": true, "done": false, "ref": "T2016-02",
      "assigned": "", "text": "Try out LAZZZORs from Evil Corp.", "notes":"
  * They make nice, cheap LAZZZORS
  * LAZZZORS are needed for Doomsday Machine"
    { "type": "todo", "public": true, "done": true, "ref": "T2016-01",
      "assigned": "Beatrice Bull", "text": "Buy some space rockets", "notes": ""
  "end_time": "21:00"